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Friday 18 April 2014 – 21 powerful principles to manifesting your reality…


When we dream (in the sense of creating the vision we wish for ourselves) we are essentially determining our reality and the way in which our lives will ‘play out’. Not only are we determining our own reality, we are contributing positively to the greater collective. By being true to ourselves we demonstrating a realness to the world. The concentrated power of manifestation and creation is potent to the great game of life… It is not as direct as this though… There is more involved in the manifestation and creation process than simply dreaming about it… For you to create the life that you wish, you must adhere to certain principles of being or practices that greatly facilitate this growth creation…

You can choose to manifest with a full conscious or you can allow your conditioned behaviours, cultural constructs, environment, inner thoughts and emotions to control what you create. When we are aware and conscious we are empowered. This empowered state of being is powerful for we then have the choice to decide what we wish to create for ourselves and others. This self-awareness is evolution and this evolution is an evolving wisdom that is crucial to all of humanity…

In reality, these principles are simple, conceptually understanding them is one part of the puzzle, careful execution accompanied with wisdom and the understanding of why is what is important and at times challenging here… Below are 21 powerful principles and practices we require in order to create and manifest the lives we wish…

Note: that when we have clarity, greater levels of self-awareness and a balanced perception of what life represents we are by default in a greater position to create and manifest… 

The Labyrinth of Life - Stef Sifandos

1. Begin to Meditate: Meditation and controlled, deep breath assists you to become more ground, automatically seek clarity and relax the entire being holistically. It is here in this space that creativity flourishes and as we will understand later, creativity is a key principle in the manifestation and creation process. Seek to learn of differing modalities of meditation, experiment, and immerse yourself in any process. Practice deep controlled breathing, the less breaths you can take per minute, the better. Learn and assume differing bodily postures, for these will assist in enhancing the experience. Begin with 5 minutes daily then build upon that anywhere up to 2 hours if you like. Early morning or before bed or both… Research this and enjoy the quiet time…

2. Begin to Learn about who you are: Knowing yourself is paramount to accurate creation and manifestation. What do you like? Dislike? What inspires you? What values do you hold dear to your life? What drives you? What do you contemplate most? Examine the discipline of Axiology and become purely more self aware…

3. Set realistic well aligned goals: Setting goals leaps off a strong foundation of knowing how to manifest accordingly. Goals connect you to what you wish to pursue or discover within yourself… Goals are the details, manifestation is the process and ethos, which flows from one expression to another. Ensure your goals are well aligned to your highest values and beliefs. Ensure your goals, are your own, and not predicated upon society’s expectations. Sure, we absorb and become what surrounds us, but if we allow the status quo and mainstream to dictate what we should be, where we should go and how we should live for the sake of the majority then we are being false to ourselves. Identify with clarity and definition what your goals are and begin to create a pathway to achieving them.

4. Choose your circle of influence wisely: Who you socialise with is who you in some sense become. Choose your company, your environment and what your senses are exposed to wisely. Be aware of them; understand your environment and what it symbolises. Know that our environment conditions our thoughts, behaviours and perceptions. We absorb carefully what we are exposed to. Our environment contributes to our sphere of reality. Choose what you wish to project both within and with out…

5: Spend time with the natural world: There is something powerful in spending time with what is ultimately our ‘home’. We are connected to Earth and it is via thousands of years of cultural doctrine and human conditioning that (largely) Western frameworks have disconnected humanity both physically and philosophically from Earth and the empowering presence it provides all living beings. When we spend intimate quite time with nature our creative essence is opened and allowed to express itself with effortlessness. This contributes to greater levels of self-awareness, inspired action and greater competence in creativity.

6. Act selflessly often: By giving our most precious commodity (our sincere experience / time) we are learning so much about ourselves and we are ultimately enhancing our knowledge and awareness of the Universe both within and without us. When we are of great service to others, we are by nature and by default immediately granting permission to our unified, connected selves know that it is acceptable to also receive. When we give ourselves this permission we open the flood gates to the creative process…

7. Understand deeply the balance of life: Life occurs in duality. Our physical bodies are bound by a physical polar world. This (on this level) is unavoidable… If we accept deeply and truthfully that the world functions in polar opposites and those extreme modalities of living are not sustainable, then we are in greater harmony with self. When this occurs we are again in a greater space of clarity, which ultimately allows the manifestation process to take place at higher frequency’s. This understanding comes in the form of a realisation that it is ‘ok’ to experience differing levels of emotions, experiences and perceptions of life. Creating a perspective of life that screams ‘inner balance’ is directly telling your Universe that you understand that expression is balanced and lopsided perceptions of situations are toxic to our holistic health.

The Labyrinth of Life - Stef Sifandos

8. Remain truthful to your intuition: Listen to your inner voice, it is a guidance system for understanding your Universe. It is enhanced when we identify who we truly are, when we spend time with nature, when we associate with well intentioned and well aligned experiences and many more of course. When we are driven by our intuition, we are less ‘cloudy’ in the mind and we then create the circumstances to manifest at higher levels. Clarity leads to a more enhanced understanding and expression of manifestation…

9. Study – broaden your experience in various ways: Study and learn in any way you possible can, formally, informally, experientially, read, converse and observe! This will broaden your senses, awareness of self and will greater place you in a position to clearly know what you want and follow your dreams, not those of others… In addition, it also allows you to greater know your cultural world.

10. Diversify your audience – travel: When we diversify, we expand. When we expand, we are screaming to the Universe that we are ready for more. When we are ready for more, we are in a position to receive. This receiving presents itself in the form of alignment and balance within. The alignment is an alignment with our highest values and dreams. When we travel and experience diverse cultures and ways of being; we have a greater opportunity to understand what it is we truly want for ourselves and that there is more than one cultural adaptation in this world…

11. Seek assistance: Finding a balance between figuring life out for yourself and seeking assistance is key to greater placing you in a position of clarity. We can learn so much from others, from literature, from asking questions… ASK and you shall receive… Learning from others can fast track our own personal experiences, hence providing us with a greater and deeper understanding of self…

12. What we focus on determines our reality: Simple. What we choose to focus on determines the manner in which we experience and live our lives…

13. Be silent: Perhaps one of the most powerful tools leading itself to manifestation and creation is the art of silence. When we are engulfed by inner silence and surrounded by outer silence we ultimately enhance our ability to discover who we truly are and what we truly want from this life. Silence shall lead us to both Universal and personal truth (ultimately one in the same). This is our greatest gift to ourselves, creating silence for our entire being. When we are in silence, we cannot escape who we truly are… It is the discovery of who we truly are that allows us to create, give and live freely…

14. Acceptance & Commitment: Accept who you are, relinquish judgment and simply be present to who you are and what you show the world… Commit to this notion of acceptance and to this notion of self-discovery and your world will evolve deeply through intense new layers of understanding… Simply put, be nice to yourself, if you are not, you cannot expect others to be…

15. Reflect deeply and regularly: Also crucial, this notion is time put away each day (preferably at the end of the day) to reflect on your experiences, your interactions and your day is important in further understanding the circle of life and the manner in which we react to what life displays (or rather what we create)… No matter what, we are always creating, if we reflect regularly on our inner world and daily interactions we are then choosing to act consciously rather than be controlled by unconscious forces that are influenced by our environment. Being aware is key to concentrated manifestation… We become aware by reflecting and allocating time to this process.

16. Discard notions of ‘good’ & ‘bad': This is linked to point 7. If we attached these Manifestation on ourselves our reality, we are ultimately moving through life in extremes. When we live in places of extremity we are limited in our perceptual ability to feel and think ‘outside the box’. We view the world in categories; if we are perceptually too sharp with the way in which we live in these categories, we are simply placing limits on our options…

17. Be persistent, be patient, be diligent, be consistent & be regular: Self-explanatory…! These principles are crucial in achieving optimal levels of effective manifestation.

18. Be open to a new world: Be prepared to change and/or evolve your view on what you believe to be real, right, just, etc… Having flexibility in your thoughts and beliefs ensures you are open to receiving information and wisdom that is greater aligned with your highest purpose. It is ok to be ‘wrong’, or change your perception on a matter or personal ethos. This openness, is a sure sign of self-evolution…

19. Speak in the now, live in the now: When we use language that is present we ultimately adhering to Universal laws, we are aligning with reality or a truth beyond our physical senses. When we live presently we are able to create deeply. When we live in the past, we are highly emotional and activating areas of mind and brain that are not proficient manifestos. Remember, our focus determines our reality. If you speak and think in language that is current and you behave and believe what you are dreaming of is what already exists, then manifesting in the manner in which you wish for it to be presented is only a matter of time…

When we begin manifesting what it is we want, our point of attraction lies in the Now. Actually, the ONLY point we can attract from is the present moment.

When we remain still in the space of already having what it is we desire, it is as if we are accessing a higher level of reality. This is how we create from the space of now, not at some point in the future. In other words, when we are present, we can literally HAVE everything we want in that moment. It is limitless and the emotions and feelings attached to the manifestation process (which actually expand our manifesting) arrive effortlessly…

20. Love: Wow… When our actions stem from a place of love we are actually living in harmony with our collective purpose. Love is more than just a feeling that dwells deep within us. Love is the essence that permeates all existence. Love is all of existence, it includes all perceivable realities, yet represents one unified understanding. Love is a deeper knowing that what we do has deep purpose. When we live in accordance with understanding that all experiences are lessons in love we are being true to our nature. This truth open the gateway to all possibilities and expressions of self…

21. Emotional connection: This links closely to point 19. Our emotions can either keep us in our past, project us in to the future or ground us in the present. It is important to remain present, for it is this space that facilitates growth. If when we are manifesting we attach deep emotion to what we are rediscovering and recognising in ourselves, we are in actuality enhancing that experience and solidifying its ‘realness’. When we are meditating and concentrating on what it is we wish to be, if we creatively attach emotion and feeling and colour to that scenario it enhances its ‘realness’ factor.

If we increase our ability to manifest we then have the potential to express the truest nature of our highest selves… Collectively, this is our purpose. To express our highest potential… This can only be achieved through conscious intention and awareness… SS.

The Labyrinth of Life - Stef Sifandos

Filed under: Deep Reflection Tagged: 21 powerful principles for manifestation, creation, knowing, life, manifestation, principles, Query, reflection, self love, SS, thought, time, understanding, wisdom

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